Research, 2011
Concept, design, sound design and programming of an experimental visualization of so far strongly scientifical analysis of brainwave data in collaboration with the »Cluster Languages of Emotion« of Freie Universität Berlin.
an experiment to find new perspectives on the so far strongly scientifical analysis of brainwave data in collaboration with the »Cluster Languages of Emotion« of Freie Universität Berlin.

A human’s emotional condition is measured through electroencephalography (EEG) as the balance of a human being’s concentration and relaxation. The data streams’ are being audio-visually translated and then output into the test environment as projections and sound. While simultaneously seeing and hearing his visualized brain waves, the participant reflects his own brain activity. He is influencing the reaction of his emotional state’s representation in a resonating feedback loop.
We asked ourselves: What are the consequences of these kinds of reciprocal effects?

Similarly to the generated moiré-like visual structure the sound generator produces overlaying sinus waves, which get placed and rotated within the room. According to the mood of the proband, the system creates different patterns of sound and imagery, merging and rotating at varying speeds.
A highly immersive full dome projection environment can dissolve any reference points which possibly cause severe perception-changing effects. Furthermore its multi-channel audio system allows sound to be placed at any desired point within this space. A strong influence on the emotional state of the participant and a mesmerizing experience can be created, resulting almost in a feeling of virtual weightlessness.

#EEG, #Fulldome, #Multichannel Audio, #Processing, #Ableton Live
Collaboration with Daniel Palmér and Robin Rundkvist
The project was supervised by Willy Sengewald at the Interface Design program of University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Additional supervision by Matti Gärtner of Cluster Languages of Emotion at FU-Berlin.